Hello! This is next part. I hope that you understand and enjoy it! .-) Thanks everyone who had left a comment! You are very nice people! .-)

I answer comments of last part:


Ilolienten piilolukija wrote:

Ou mai gaad D:D Aiotko kirjoittaa kaikki 55 osaa englanniksikin? :o Heh, no lykkyä tykö♥


Answer: Se olisi jonkinlainen tarkoitus. .--D Tiedän, että minun hitaudellani siihen menee piiiitkä aika, mutta aina kannattaa yrittää. .-) Kiitos kommentistasi ja kannustuksesta!




Mantsu wrote:

Olipas kiva lukea enkunkielisenä :--D 

Autellaan simssiä, ja kerrotaan eka virhe jonka bongasin; "Now I will try translate my Finnish Legacy Challenge story from English"

Suomeksi tuo olisi "Nyt aion yrittää kääntää minun Suomalaisen Legacy Haaste tarinan englannista" vaikka sehän käännetään suomesta (-; Eli tuo kohta korjataan muuttamalla from English - kohta to English : iksi.

Tässä on varmaan sattunut pienoinen kirjoitusvirhe vain, mutta 5 kuvan kuvatekstissä pikku virhe; "I like edit hair and swinsuits." ei swinsuits, vaan swimsuits.

En havainnut muita, nuo vaan pistivät silmään. Hienoa työtä simssi! Toivottavasti saat lisää lukijoita käännösten avulla (-:


Answer: Hauskaa, että luit mielelläsi enkuksi. .-) Muistaakseni vaihdoin kaikkien huomautusten tilalle korjausehdotukset, mutten ihan varma ole. .-D Kiitos kuitenkin, toisten palautteesta ja kirjoitusvirhehuomautuksesta oppii. .-) Hitaalla käännöstahdilla en usko pysyviä lukijoita paljoa tulevan, mutta oli jännää huomata, että "vissiin enkkulaiset" olivat kommentoineet. .--D Kiitos kommentistasi!




Mesinen wrote:

I think this is a great idea!

Jos englanti tökkiin, niin eikös sitä ole silloin paremp käyttää! Niin ja selväähän tästä sai ihan hyvin!

Jos kerta haluat jotain nipotuksen aihetta, niin prepositiot kannattaa katsoa. Eli juuri tuo, mitä Mantsu sanoo. Kuten varmaan tiedät niin, se mitä me taivutetaan sijamuotojen päätteillä, niin englantilaiset taivuttaa prepositiolla... 

A girl sat on the lawn the middle of nowhere. Esimerkiksi tuosta lauseesta puuttuu oman tietämykseni mukaan in ;) ! 

Täytyy sanoa, etten itsekään ole mikään mestari englannissa ja lukiossa oli vielä vähemmän. Nyt kun sitä on oikeasti tarvinnut, niin sitä on oppinut pikku hiljaa käyttämään. 

Eihän sitä muuten oikeastaan opikaan, joten 

I wish you good luck and strong nerves!


Answer: Thanks! Niinhän kaikki sanovat, ja nyt minä sitten testaan, onko siitä mitään apua. .-D Hyvä, että sai selvää. Tiedän, että prepositiot ovat suuri heikkouteni! Ärsyttää, kun prepositioita ei kunnolla opeteta enkussa. .-/ Kiitos neuvoista! .-) Yes, I will need strong nerves! .--D Kiitos kommentistasi!




vupii wrote:

Olipas kiva lukea englanniksi. Huomasin pikku virheitä mutta selvän sai. 

Odotas: The doctors able to help Milla without Iina. Tästä puuttu "were" kyllä tuostakin selvän saa mutta aikamuodoissa kannattaa olla tarkka :) 

He was thinking that I am you and he tried to kill me tässä on mielestäni väärä verbimuoto think taipuu nimittäin think-thought-thought eli "He thought I was you..."

No joo, en tässä enempää nyt selittele. Äitini on englannin opettaja, joten enkku on mulle kovinkin tuttua :) Google kääntäjä on ihan kätevä mutta suosittelen avuksi myös hyvää sanakirjaa :) 

Hienoa, että aloitit tälläisen projektin, eihän kieltä opi jos ei sitä käytä :)

I wish you goog luck !


Answer: Hauskaa, että pidit enkku-osan lukemisesta. .-) Hyvä, että sait selvää pienistä virheistä huolimatta! .-D Kiitoksia neuvomisista, täytyykin aikamuotojakin tarkkailla aikamuotoja! Yritin kääntää aikalailla vanhasta osastani suomen kielestä, ja se varmaan aiheutti outoja aikamuotovaihdoksia. .--D Äitisi teki hienoa työtä! <3 Minä en jaksa satsata hienoihin sanakirjoihin, tyhmä kun olen, joten Google kääntäjää riittänee ainakin tällä hetkellä. .-) Jep, hyvä minulle ja oppimiselleni tämä projekti! Thanks! Kiitos kommentista!




Ezme wrote:

Hieno idea kääntää Iloliemien osia englanniksi. Niinhän sitä englantia parhaiten oppii :)


Answer: Kiitos. Toivon ainakin oppivani. .-D Kiitos kommentistasi!




just somebody wrote:

I liked this post very much, thanks! It was nice to read, althought I found a few mistakes but it didn't really bother my reading experience.

So thank you very much for this, I can't wait to read the next chapter in english too! This will be a huge work to do, but there's no need to hurry, right? It's so nice to read these - even if there were some misspellings at the way. Nobody's perfect, you know, and how could you get better if not training?

This is awesome, good luck with your "little" work here :)

I could thank you for the 100th time but I think you already got it ;) So bye, and I hope the next chapter is ready for us to read as soon as possible! But remember, don't take any pressure, the finnish story is more important and you'll do this just when you have enough time and... like that.

Okay, I guess that's enough from me now :D Bye for now!


Answer: Nice to hear that you liked! .-) Good that mistakes didn´t bother your reading experience. .-) I am so slow to translate this story. I am sorry that you had to wait so long. .-( I hope that you will find this site again! It is great that you understand. .-) I work with my Finnish story more but I try also make English part. .-) Bye and thank you for your comment! 




Natasha wrote:

Do u know what, your post was brilliant! Maybe few mistakes, but that isn't the end of the world :) Isn't this a Finnish website? Well, here's a reader for u from UK! Wonderful job, keep going!


Answer: Thanks! Yeah, I make mistakes with English. .-D Yes, this is the Finnish website. .-) It is very exciting that I have a reader from UK! .--D Thank you for your comment!





vBkOa.jpgYou can listen to this song when you are reading this part -> 

"Now I must be strong. At first I need money and I will build house. How I get money?," Iina thinks and rise up.


She decided to go to sing edge of road. Iina put "moneycup" on ground. She hoped that someone nice guy would be sorry for her's situation and the guy can give couple of pound.


And soon the first guy arrived. He stayed to watch Iina's perform.


The guy brought up money to his pockets and put them Iina's moneycup. Iina looked very exciting at her first money.

"Oh yeah! My plan work!" she thought.


"You are the best singer ever!" the guy admired.

"Thanks," Iina answered.


After the guy went away, Iina wanted to see her result but she was frustrated.

"Only five §!" Iina cried

"I won't ever get enought money with this way," Iina fretted.


 Iina finally got some important stuffs but she was vain to dream house.


Iina was very tired singing and she decided to cook herself something food.

"Very sad that Milla wasn't here. She was better chef than me," Iina thought.

Then phone started to ring.

"Who call to me?"


"This is Iina Iloliemi," Iina answered to phone.

"I am doctor in hospital. Are you Milla's flatmate?" doctor spoke.

"Yes, I am. Is Milla okay?" Iina asked with hope.

"I'm sorry but I have to tell you... Your friend have died. We can't do anything," the doctor informed.


Iina said nothing. She only ring off. This is the most horrible that she have happened if is ignored Iina's parents death. 

"I can't believe this, can it?" Iina cried.


Iina decided to travel in the city. Maybe her mind would be a better there. When Iina stepped out of the taxi, she saw sight.


"Milla is walking there. She doesn't be death! Milla, wait me!" Iina yelled and was happy.


Suddently a sim turn facing Iina. The sim wasn't be Milla.


"Do you speak to me?" woman asked.

"I'm sorry. I thought that you are my friend," Iina explained and was embrassed.

"Well, she isn't me", woman said and walked away.


"How I could see so wrong? I am sure that she was Milla," Iina thought.


Iina decided to change place to something else. She was walking to call to taxi. Suddenly someone behind her shouted than Milla.

"Hey, look behind you. Here I am, your friend Milla!" Milla yelled.

"No, you don't be. You have died", Iina screamed and she continued trip forward.

"That girl is paranoid", a guy next to Iina thought.


Iina went in bar and sit down.

"Can I get beer, please?" Iina asked.


In this time Milla get back.

"Drinking don't help you," Milla notes.

"Stop it!" Iina rage.


Iina's beer came and she moved to another place. Iina hoped that Milla stopped to following but it isn't helped her.

"Don't do this so hard. You have died," Iina said.


"Look at me. I haven't died," Milla claimed.

Iina was quietly and she stared to Milla.

"The doctor is liar. I am alive!" Milla told.

"But why the doctor could have lied to me?" Iina suspected.


Then Milla was lost.

"This is weird. She was here moment ago," Iina thought.


"I think that I would be better to leave," Iina considered.

"Where you are going? I'm here," Milla shouted again.

"No, you aren't. You have died. Leave me alone!" Iina cried and she was running away.


Iina ran straight to taxi.

"Take me get out here!" Iina bellowed.


When Iina got home, she went to relax.

"Luckily she didn't follow me to here," Iina sighed.

"If I watch to tv, I will forget to Milla for a while," Iina thought.


Iina switched on the tv. There were news there. 

"A young girl was murdered yesterday in university. Polices are searching case but killer is missing. Be careful. He can be dangerous."


"Why do everything remind me to Milla?" Iina cried and she turn off tv.


Iina dressed pajamas and she went to sleep. Iina has nightmares.


"Wake up!" Milla screamed

"What...Milla?" Iina asked.


"Leave me alone! You have died!" Iina yelled.

"I haven't died," Milla claimed.


"Are you really here?" Iina asked.

"Of course I am! Do you finally believe me?" Milla asked.


"It is lovely! You are alive," Iina exclaimed happily. She was trying to hug Milla but suddently Milla had lost.


Then Iina woke up.

"Ugh. It was terrible nightmare," Iina said.



Iina decided to work out in the morning. She tried to get Milla out of her head.


After gymnastic Iina felt hungry and she cooked fastfood. The fastfood scorched badly.

"Why all go wrong?" Iina cried.


Iina washed and dressed after breakfast. Plumbing leaked and whole yard filled up water.

"Ugh!" Iina got angry. She had to fix shower.


The days passed. Iina thought less and less about Milla. Study started to go better.


Iina has got new friends from lectures. It was nice to study with friends. Raine was one of Iina's the best friends.


After exam Iina was awarded with money. That's why Iina was able to build piece of walls. Unfortunately house didin't become to finish because money ran out.

"I hope that I will get my house done before winter. Otherwise I may feel cold," Iina mooted.


Some day Iina met a mysterious cow who name is Junnu. Iina is wondering why Junnu always wear cow suit.

"Cow suit is a part of my image," Junnu always explain.


"Showel leak again!" Iina climbed the walls.


Iina is going to cook meal and she is thinking Junnu.

"I would like to see his face. How can I do it?" Iina considered.


"Oh no! I was thinking about Junnu and I forget to focus on cooking. Now my food burned," Iina cried.


Iina felt tiredness and she went to sleep.

"It is very hard to think," Iina noted when she went under cover.


It was so cold in the morning.
"Warm shower didn't work at all," Iina said and she felt cold. Winter come closer and closer.


"Warm food would maybe help," Iina thought. She cooked pastry in oven.


When the food was ready, started the phone rang.

"So irritating! When I answer the phone, my pastry will cool," Iina rasped.


Yeah, it cooled and eventually Iina cooled too.

"Hopefully auditorium is warm," Iina hoped.


After lecture Iina became warmer.

"My next lecture is tomorrow and I will freeze again before it... I have to invent something," Iina thought.


Suddenly Iina invented. She went flea market and she found whirlpool bath very cheap! If Iina felt cold, she would plop hot water! Iina organized the party because she want to introduce whirlpool bath her friends.


Junnu also belongs Iinas friends.

"Oh yeah! Now I will see Junnus face. I don't believe that he comes with mask to whirlpool bath," Iina considered.


Unfortunately Junnu didn't come to whirlpool bath like other visitors. 

"Could you come here with us," Iina encouraged.

"My mask don't be water-resistant," Junnu said.
"Take it off!" Iina gave piece of advice.


Eventually Junnu felt cold. He gave up and he stepped to whirlpool bath. 

"Junnu imitates my hairstyle," anger Bertil rasped.


Bertil was so mad that he came away with Raine. In whirlpool stayed only Iina and Junnu.


"Why do you hide back mask?" Iina asked.


Junnu look nervos.

"Well... Everybody hate me," Junnu told.

"I don't hate you," Iina said.

"You don't know me," Junnu said.


"The whrilpool bath is so hot," Junnu bawled. He rose and dressed up.


Iina followed Junnu.

"Take mask off! I can help you," Iina required and she tried to pull mask off.

"Oh no!" Junnu got into a panic and he retreated.


"Leave me alone!" Junnu screamed and he hit Iina with pillow.


"I just wanted to be your friend," Iina retorted and she went away.


Iina came whirlpool bath with visitors. Junnu went home.


When the visitors had gone home, Iina decided to go sleep. Then blizzard strarted.

"Oh no! I was afraid this! How will I survive?" Iina sighed.

Finally I completed this part! You don't believe but I wrote this translation over a year! I am so slow and bad with English. .--D Tell me mistakes and I try to learn. .-D You can also tell feelings from a part. .->