Back again! Sebastiina is hard-working and she translated this part very quickly! I am so thankful to her! <23 Go and read! I hope that you enjoy.

Answers from last part comments:

GreenPixy wrote:
Aloittelin uutta haastetta Challenge Maniassa :) Olipa hauskaa lukaista tämä Ilolienten osa enkuksi, kiva että viitsit tehdä :D

Answer: Mukavaa että enkkuosat miellyttävät. .-) Samalla tulee kertausta ekoista osista, joista ei välttämättä muista paljoa. Nyt näitä tulee useammin, kun Sebastiina on ilmoittautunut vapaaehtoiseksi kääntäjäksi. Kaikki kunnia siis hänelle. .-) Kiitos kommentista!

Saapas wrote:
Facepalmasin koko osan läpi. Mistä idea alkaa tehdä LC:tä englanniksi kun et osaa sujuvasti sitä kirjottaa? Myös paljon olis auttanut jos ois ollut englannin kielellä peli, nuo "Junnu" ja "Iivana" nimet kuulostaa niin naurettavilta englanninkielisen tekstin lomassa.

Answer: Alun perin kerroin alkavani kääntää tarinaa enkuksi, sillä halusin opetella. Tiedostan kyllä, etten ole kielissä kauhean hyvä, mutta väärä asenne on jättää tekemättä siksi, ettei ole siinä täydellinen. Niitä asioita juuri pitäisi tehdä, mitä ei osaa. Harjoitella. Ja kun sinä olet ilmeisesti hyvä englannissa, mikset voisi auttaa toista kehittymään ja kertoa havaitsemiasi virheitä? Ei tietenkään kaikkea tarvitse listata, mutta isoja ja toistuvia. Tämän osan käänsi suurimmaksi osaksi Sebastiina, mutta itse luin kaikki tekstit läpi, enkä huomannut niissä isoja vikoja. Koitin poistaa virheitä, mutta todennäköisesti niitä sinne myös lisäsin. En tiennyt peliä asentaessani, että alkaisin vuoden päästä tehdä tarinaa enkä ainakaan sitä, että alkaisin jossain kohtaa kääntämään sitä. Ei siis tullut mieleen asentaa peliä englanniksi. Alkuperäinen tarina oli kuitenkin suomeksi, ja haluan säilyttää henkilöiden nimet. Tietenkin olisin valinnut englannin kieliset nimet, jos alun perin olisin lähtenyt kirjoittamaan tarinaa englanniksi. Monissa suomenkielisissä tarinoissa on käytetty englannin kielisiä nimiä, enkä ymmärrä miksei voisi tehdä toisin päinkin. Mielestäni molemmat ovat aivan yhtä hyviä vaihtoehtoja. Kiitos kun ilmaisit mielipiteesi ja jätit kommenttia!





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Iina woke up early in the morning. She thought Junnu had been very rude yesterday.
However, Iina didn’t feel like thinking of Junnu and rather decided to carry out the everyday practises. 
“So boring. I wish Iivana was here. With him it was at least possible to have a conversation, unlike with Junnu…” Iina thought. 
Iina started to prepare breakfast for herself. She didn’t want to make food for Junnu.
“Let him do it by himself!” Iina thought.
Still it was really boring to eat alone. Junnu took his time sleeping after his night-time training.
Suddenly sleepy Junnu walked in the kitchen. 
“You’re already awake,” Junnu said with a yawn.
Iina didn’t feel like saying anything to Junnu, however. Yesterday the man had overlooked all her ideas after all.
Junnu sat in front of Iina.
“Couldn’t we give it a rest? I was rather apathetic towards you but everything is different now,” Junnu promised.
“How do I know you’re not lying?” Iina asked.
“I promise I’ll respect you more. Career is important to me but of course you are more important,” Junnu explained.
“Really?” Iina asked. Her face was lighted up with joy again.
“Of course!” Junnu reassured.
After Iina had eaten both of them walked towards the bedroom with threatening pace…
 “Could we agree to never fight again? It is so unpleasant,” Iina suggested. 
“Great idea,” Junnu granted.
 “Let’s be together forever,” Junnu whispered.
Iina was so happy! 
 Junnu was tired and continued to sleep even when Iina woke up. Despite everything, this day had started out perfectly. It could not have been more perfect!
 Time had passed and no new troubles had emerged. They ate happier than ever, or well, the eating part didn’t really progress since these two just kept staring at each other. <3
 Suddenly Iina felt weird and she started to run towards the bathroom. Junnu panicked.
“What happened to you?” he asked.
 Just as Iina got in the WC she threw up. A lot. 
 “Yak, that was sickening! I wonder what caused this.” Iina thought while cleaning up the messy toilet. 
 Junnu still wanted to find a job but there were no open positions in athletics career. 
“There are always the same notifications in the papers! Why they never change them?” Junnu yelled at the paper in a fit of rage. More job ads could be found in the internet but with what money could one buy a computer when one was not able to get any work?
 Iina didn’t rush to find herself a job. She was gladly at home. Because of the reconciliation with Junnu, Iina had gained inspiration to paint a portrait of Junnu. She had indeed progressed since her days in University when she only got 2 § from her paintings. .-D
One morning after breakfast Iina stood up and her belly turned bigger.
“What the fudge!? Have I gained weight?” Iina was horrified.
 Then Iina realized: 
“No, I haven’t gotten fat. I’m pregnant! I must tell Junnu the good news right away!”
Junnu was once again surveying the job ads when Iina came to him.
“I have a thing to tell you,” Iina said.
“What is it?” Junnu asked. 
“Get up and I’ll tell you” Iina commanded.
Junnu folded the paper and glanced at Iina. 
“What might it be that she wants to tell me,” Junnu wondered.
 Suddenly his expression got serious. He had noticed the belly.
 “Are you pregnant?” Junnu asked.
“How did you notice!? Usually men don’t notice that. Aren’t this great news! We’ll get a little-one in the house!” Iina said being all exited.
 “I don’t think it’s a good thing,” Junnu told.
“What? You don’t like babies?” Iina asked in confusion.
“Babies are ok but think about our financial situation! We can’t afford to raise a child ‘cause I can’t ever even find a job and you are too lazy to look for such!” Junnu bawled. 
 Iina was puzzled due to Junnu’s reaction. She had thought Junnu would jump for joy and they would have become a little family. 
 “I insist you have an abortion at once! Let’s think about babies once our financial situation is better,” Junnu said.
“Well I definitely won’t!” Iina objected.
 Iina walked away.
“Why don’t you want to listen reasoning!?” Junnu yelled in anger.
Iina was very hungry and started to make food for herself.
“Why didn’t you make food for me too?” Junnu asked.
“Think about it,” Iina said in a pique.
“Since I won’t get food at home I’ll go to eat in city!” Junnu informed and put on his outdoor clothing. Iina didn’t say anything and rather started to pick the plates from the table.
 “Don’t understand my point of view. Luckily I know someone who does,” Iina thought as she dialled Iivana’s phone number.
 Iivana promised that he would come up to the house, so that Iina who was pregnant didn’t have to go through the trouble of walking all the way to the road. Still, Iina wanted to go outside to the yard so that she could see when Iivana arrived.
 Finally Iina saw Iivana and she hurried to give him a hug as a greeting. 
“Wonderful that you managed to come in such a short notice,” Iina was thankful.
“Of course I came! You sounded so sad. Have you had another fight with Junnu?” Iivana inquired.
“Yes but let’s go inside. I’m feeling so cold here since my old winter coat can’t fit me now because of the stomach,” Iina told. 
 They walked together towards the house.
They went to laze in the bedroom since Iina’s stomach was so heavy that she wanted to rest it a little. Iina told Iivana how Junnu had become angry when the pregnancy had been revealed and how he had only talked about money and had told Iina to have an abortion.
“That Junnu seems quite weird. Many would surely be happy if their wife was pregnant,” Iivana pondered. 
“You tell me. Junnu is a difficult one,” Iina complained. 
“Remember that you don’t have to be with Junnu. He is just heartless and doesn’t appreciate anyone else’s opinion,” Iivana berated. 
“But there is much good in him too,” Iina upheld.
“Like what?” Iivana asked.
“He can be truly considerate,” Iina told.
“Really? When was the last time? He doesn’t really care for you. Go and find some better company!” Iivana commanded.
“Why do you think you can know that? I’m sure Junnu will still change his mind,” Iina told in firm belief. 
“Let’s hope so. But remember that if he always gets angry it won’t be so nice to live with him!” Iivana commented. 
At the same time Junnu was coming back to home. He had thought about things. 
“Perhaps baby wouldn’t be so bad thing after all. We have money only scantily but I’m sure it’s enough so that we can raise a baby with it. I must tell Iina immediately and apology to her my mean behaviour,” Junnu thought.
Junnu was inside and put his coat in the coat rack.
“Iinaa!” Junnu called but didn’t saw Iina anywhere in sight.
 “I guess she’s sleeping then. Well, I’ll apology in the morning,” Junnu thought as he opened the door to the bedroom. 
 “What in the world?” Junnu exclaimed.

What did Junnu see?

That will be revealed in the next chapter!

Leave a comment, please. .-) Tell some thoughts that this part make you feel.